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Сообщение Rickysuina » 08 апр 2019, 13:03

? Reporting by NICOLE SANDS

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“Cause my partner filmed everything with his body cam?” Killam responds. “Also cause I edited it all together and added music and put it up on YouTube?”

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But Kenny Chesney says his friend was a supportive force in his life when he was just starting his career. And he recalls opening up for Jones during his reunion tour with Tammy Wynette in 1995.

As women continue to come forward with rape allegations leveled at comedian Bill Cosby, others have begun to look back over the star’s career in a new light — were the jokes he once told about drugging women’s drinks really so innocent? Have other alleged victims’ stories gone unnoticed? How many people were aware of Cosby’s reported predatory behavior before the first charges of sexual assault became public, in 2004?

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It’s a testament to the growing awareness of the dangers of climate change that Volkswagen was duping customers on the basis of how much they could protect the planet, but that didn’t stop it from sending that very same planet just a little bit closer to the grave in order to make more money. Volkswagen is not the first company to peddle its green credentials while doing almost nothing to change its ways, and it won’t be the last. People who promote market-oriented solutions to the climate crisis have to deal with what the market actually is. We can’t let the Volkswagens of the world get away with this stuff anymore, and we can’t assume that there’s a way around forcing mega-corporations to radically change their ways if we really want to save the planet.
If there’s another lesson to be found in Volkswagen’s mess, it’s that we have to remain hypervigilant about environmental protections and extremely skeptical about the corporate world’s claims to have seen the light when it comes to fighting climate change.

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Сообщение Rickysuina » 10 апр 2019, 11:12

The couple have been spending a lot of time together lately, jetting between Los Angeles and Bullock's home in Austin, Texas, and meeting up with their A-list friends for a few double dates and parties along the way. They were even spotted walking arm-and-arm together in L.A. on Oct 1.

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Clearly, regulators in many different countries have to thoroughly overhaul their tests. It beggars belief that “drive it like someone who bought the car would” isn’t a prerequisite here. At minimum, cars should be driven on the road, not in a lab, before they’re given any kind of seal of approval.
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